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Call for Papers (ver. 2):
The mission of ICAITD conference is to provide presentations, discussions, publications and forums on artificial intelligence and related emerging technologies with an open discussion. The forum invites researchers and practitioners from all over the world to present their research results focused on their scientific and professional interests in selected conference sessions.

In addition to discussing AI technology, it is important to analyze the current chaotic structure of AI and devise a logical discussion. For this reason, guidelines from a sociological perspective are becoming important. Sociologists point out the consideration of AI's social impact and human interaction, and engineers need to think about it. In addition to technical papers, we also place importance on papers on higher-level concepts related to technology with clear justification.

We also encourage authors to focus not only on theoretical approaches but also on practical applications. Papers should aim to present new ideas and techniques and provide useful solutions to address real-world problems. ICAITD places emphasis on practical results.

Academic area:
*Engineering papers and empirical approaches on AI technology
*Consideration of higher-level concepts such as social impact, regulations, management, and politics on the use and spread of AI
*Involvement of IT and networks (security, cypher, forensics, watermark, steganography)

When submitting a paper, authors are responsible for carefully researching previous research to avoid double submissions, avoid plagiarism, and ensure novelty. In this regard, if a problem is confirmed, the paper will be removed from the Proceedings even after it has been published.

Each accepted paper will be included in the Proceedings only if it has been presented orally. The Proceedings will be published as the official version after the conference. Since the Proceedings will be Open Access, the paper will be more widely publicized and more likely to become a reference paper.

Regular papers (Full papers):
Submission rules: Papers should be submitted by Oct. 31th 2024. Authors should submit their papers in PDF. The total length of a paper should not be exceed 10 pages using IEEE style (including tables, figures and references). IEEE style templates will be available here. Papers will be revieewed and accepted.

Position papers:
We invite submissions for position papers with new ideas, new policy or new philosophy, not verified as a paper. Up to 4 pages.


IW-AITD 2025 (

Doctoral Consortium:

The Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for students, who are in their doctorate degree or who have recently finished.
A two-page extended abstract that summary. Please include a CV limited to 2 pages.
Students are invited to apply for admission not only to the doctoral consortium but also to all other categories.

Poster Presentation:

This provides an opportunity to share ideas in a face-to-face, hands-on setting. Demos using hardware brought to the venue, Software demonstrations, explanations of installation and configuration of developed software. Power outlets and tables for lightweight items provided.
Submit an abstract for poster. Accepted abstract and poster(pdf or image) will be inclided in proceedings.

Special Sessions: Proposal are requested

Tutorials: Proposal are requested






Deadline:Regular paper Oct. 31st 2024
Notification of acceptance of regular paper: Dec.25 2024
Deadline:Position paper Oct. 31st 2024
Notification of acceptance of position paper: Dec.25 2024
Deadline:Poster abstract Nov. 30st 2024
Notification of acceptance of poster abstract: Dec.25 2024
Deadline:Doctoral extended summary Feb. 28st 2025
Notification of acceptance of poster abstract: Mar.15 2025





Procedures at EasyChair after login:

New Submission for ICAITD 2025

Follow the instructions, step by step.

Author 1

First name, Last name:Email:Country/region:Affiliation:Web page(if any),corresponding author or not

Author 2 

Author 3 

Click here to add more authors

Title and Abstract


Upload your paper. The paper must be in PDF format (file extension .pdf) 

Push 'Submit' button 



Submission of paper(Please submit pdf file ):

Please login "EasyChair", and go to ICAITD 2025.

Please make your account of EasyChair at fiest.

Then login EasyChair and find ICAITD 2025.

Then, make a new submission.


A sample paper manuscript is shown in Sample_paper_7.pdf.


Please write your manuscript in the same format as this file.


The format can differ slightly. The emphasis is on the content.


is a template file of for LibreOffice odt file. ​

You can make manuscript by using any word processor or Latex.

You must get .pdf file by converting/exporting function.​​​


Demos: Proposal are requested. 


The first edition of Proceedings containing accepted all papers and abstracts will be provided to the ICAITD participants at the conference venue.After conference final Proceedings of accepted full papers,  position papers, doctoral consortium abstracts, poster abstracts with poster images, all after revised if any, will be published. Only papers presented at the conference will be published.

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