ICAITD April 29–30, 2024
Deadline extended to Feb. 15th 2024

ICAITD International Conference of AI new Technology and open Discussion

With the recent development of AI, a large amount of research is being actively conducted, and by combining various types of research, ICAITD will explore the manifestation of new electronic intelligence.
Deep learning has greatly improved the performance of image recognition, but the basic structure of CNN and pooling has not yet changed.
Image generation as a generative AI has achieved remarkable effects using an adversarial learning structure.
In natural language processing, epoch-making effects have been achieved through sentence generation.
As technology advances, harmful effects such as fake images and fake texts are emerging, and it is necessary to consider engineering countermeasures against these problems.
It is important to consider the details of these ideas and technologies regarding AI and proceed with a structural analysis of the current chaotic state of AI.
ICAITD aims to promote interdisciplinary knowledge exchange and academic research. We will organize our conferences and adopt specific policies regarding peer review, emphasizing applicability, and submission to journals based on the following principles:
ICAITD conducts peer review to recognize interdisciplinary ideas and excellent research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Our peer review process is based on the following principles:
Extracting good content: We aim to identify good papers and recognize their value. Reviewers evaluate papers for innovation, relevance, and the quality of the ideas and work proposed. Our goal is to provide a platform for and support excellent research.
Evaluate new proposals: We understand that new ideas and proposals play an important role. ICAITD welcomes new approaches and ideas and fosters their contribution to the discipline through their evaluation. Reviewers consider the importance of new proposals and seek positive responses.
Respecting unique ideas: We value different perspectives and unique ideas. ICAITD welcomes diverse approaches and research from different disciplines, and supports collaboration between researchers from different backgrounds. The peer review process encourages diversity and facilitates the creation of new knowledge.
ICAITD provides a place for researchers, students and industry professionals to learn, grow and collaborate together, supporting the dissemination of new ideas and research. Our peer review process focuses on assessing quality and value and promoting interdisciplinary knowledge exchange
Emphasis on application and practicality: We encourage a focus on practical applications as well as theoretical approaches. Papers should aim to present new ideas and techniques and provide useful solutions to address real-world problems. ICAITD values practical results.
Possibility of submission to journals based on the recommendation of the chairperson: A special recommendation may be made by the chairperson for the presentation of a paper accepted at ICAITD. This recommendation provides an opportunity for additional peer review and publication in the journal. We provide a platform for disseminating excellent research.
ICAITD brings together participants from diverse backgrounds, including researchers, industry professionals, and students, to help share knowledge and generate new ideas. Our policy encourages interdisciplinary approaches and aims to contribute to the development of applied science.

Contact e-mail:ai.tokyo.seminar gmail.com

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